Climate-neutral free
10 years guarantee
on mattress core
Mattress 30
nights trial sleep
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From old mattress
to new product

The way to a new product

At WELTBETT®, we always try to act in an ecologically responsible way. We want to develop the best product for our customers and protect the environment at the same time. We have therefore designed THE MATTRESS in such a way, that, even after 10 years of use, we can still make something out of it: a brand new product, THE FOOTER of your mattress, and additionally going forward: a 3-chamber flake-core pillow.



We manufacture our products according to the highest ecological and social standards. THE MATTRESS, THE DUVET, THE PILLOW are sustainable and in no way harmful to your health.

All our products are Oeko-Tex® Standard 100, Appendix 4 certified. In contrast to other manufacturers, we at WELTBETT® make sure that we have Oeko-Tex® certification not only for the cover including all its components, but also for the foam core and all other elements.

THE PILLOW and THE DUVET are even Appendix 6 certified, corresponding to the Greenpeace DETOX campaign. Have you tried to compare this with other manufacturers? Give it a shot.

10 years of perfect sleep


With the receipt of your WELTBETT® mattress, a completely new sleeping experience begins for you. Your body will initially go through 3 phases of familiarization, improving each day until you can enjoy the benefits of an ergonomically optimized mattress for many years to come.

Therefore we grant 10 years manufacturer's warranty on our mattress core.

Free pickup


When you decide to buy a new mattress from WELTBETT® 10 years down the road, we will pick up THE MATTRESS - your old one - free of charge and prepare it for our upcycling, which is pretty unique in our industry.

The trick here is, that we go to your home for delivery anyway, and we simply take the old WELTBETT® mattress with us on the way back. Hence, we use almost no additional energy for the return shipment, and simply create more with the same ecological footprint. WELTBETT® is always looking for optimal solutions that help you as well as they help us - and therefore the environment, too.

Processing of old materials


After picking up THE MATTRESS we disassemble it into individual components. Since we have designed the cover intelligently, the mattresses can be disassembled with pinpoint accuracy. No further energy is required during the dismantling process. The mattress core consists of a homogeneous type of foam, an important prerequisite to our recycling process.

We then chaff the core in a flake mill. The foam flakes are then converted back to a hygienically and optically perfect, as good as new condition in a process of steam sterilization and automatic sorting out of soiled or discolored flakes.

A new product


The result is a new, hygienically absolutely clean, high density, valuable foam. It is of such quality that it can be used for many years to come. We have also already developed and tested a product type that meets the highest standards of comfort and ergonomics: THE FOOTER of WELTBETT® mattresses. This is a 10cm thick, stable foam elevation, which you can simply zip under the mattress core. Just like THE TOPPER, THE FOOTER is seamlessly integrated into our cover by means of a zipper.

You can already buy THE FOOTER today at WELTBETT®. While our first mattresses from satisfied WELTBETT® customers will not be exchanged until 2030, we have already developed the recycling process. By purchasing your own FOOTER you will be contributing to the recycling of third party foam as early as spring 2021. Most of all, THE FOOTER creates a sovereign, more comfortable and pleasant entry and exit for THE MATTRESS - without even having to bend your knees or shift your body's center of gravity. In the future, we will offer another type of product - the 3-chamber flake-core pillow, which we have developed especially for this purpose - and with which you can also contribute to a better environment.


Our efforts for a better future

Learn more about our contribution